Rhoda Arzoomanian

Rhoda Arzoomanian, BSN, RN, MSM

Rhoda Arzoomanian, BSN, RN, MSM, is the Associate Director of Yale Cancer Center and the Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI). She is a nationally recognized expert in cancer clinical research, clinical trials databases, and the management of an NCI-designated cancer center. Ms. Arzoomanian has over 25 years of clinical research experience. She recently joined Yale University from the University of Wisconsin Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center (UWCCC), where she has held the position of Associate Director of Administration since 2010.

Arzoomanian’s leadership role at Yale encompasses clinical research across the medical campus, including Yale Cancer Center. She oversees clinical research regulatory units, developing results-oriented strategies for these areas, as well as testing and verifying compliance and good clinical practices. She has experience over the past 15 years working on three Cancer Center Support Grants at the UWCCC


Ms. Arzoomanian began her career at the UWCCC as a research nurse in the Phase I Clinical Research Program and rose to Phase I program manager and assistant director for clinical research before assuming her most recent position. She was responsible for overseeing the UWCCC’s operational activities, including administrative, finance, research administration, clinical research clinical informatics, and strategic development. 

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