Vice President of Connectivity and Provider Solutions at Tempus, Inc
Patrick Mergler earned his undergraduate in Management Information Systems and MBA from University of Dayton. During that time, he spent several years at Booz Allen Hamilton consulting for the USAF Research Directorate Office of the CIO designing, developing, and managing large scale “big data” systems.
He then spent 8 years at Johnson & Johnson supporting many FDA regulated initiatives within the global IT systems group that supported R&D and Quality systems. This included managing a 24x7 Agile software development program to support a first-of-its-kind device that had to be reviewed by both the Medical Device & Drug Review Boards of the US FDA.
He then spent 8 years as the Director of Cancer Informatics at the UH Seidman-Case Comprehensive Cancer Center where he spent 50% of his time running a custom development informatics shop supporting a translational informatics program, and 50% of his time with a role within the Institute for Computation Biology. He oversaw 2 patent submissions for translational work regarding clinical trail matching and electronic patient reported outcomes (ePROs). He has spent time as a grant reviewer for the NCI’s SBIR Development Center. In addition for a period of time, he was an Informatics Consultant for the NCI SEER program as a Program Technical Advisor with a focus on next-generation genomic data. He also was the technical advisor for an innovative grant award under the SEER program which accomplished a large-scale privacy preservation linking solution which led to quantification of duplicative SEER state registry submissions to the NCI SEER program.
He currently has a role as the Vice President of Connectivity at Tempus Labs where his team has led to the first in the world, next generation sequencing lab to deliver discrete genomic data to the Epic EHR Genomic module. Most recently, this team led to the first in the world to deliver discrete genomic result data over the Epic Lab Order & Results Anywhere network. This team currently maintains more discrete genomic delivery pipelines than any other lab in the world.
Cancer Informatics for Cancer Centers
466 Foothill Blvd, #393. La Canada Flintridge 91011
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